The End of an Era

Our first blog post here and it's a bit of an emotional one. Today we write with sadness as Gemma leaves the team. 

I had worked with Gemma in two previous jobs, prior to starting up The Reef, and we were friends. You couldn't not love Gemma; honest, kind, and fun to be around. So when the opportunity for The Reef began, it seemed only fitting to have Gemma come and join us. I knew what an excellent therapist she was, and that she truly cared for her clients who visited. She wanted the best for them. She was also helpful and thoughtful to any other member of the team. This is what we wanted The Reef to be about and Gemma helped us set the precedent of what we are today. She helped us achieve the many awards we're proud to have and I'm so thankful to her for that.

I hadn't had any managerial or business experience before starting here at The Reef and I'll be the first to admit I've made mistakes along the way. I feel I learnt the hard way, but if anything I'm pleased that it gave me the experience and situations to learn and grow from.

Gemma was the first employee we ever hired and it's been a blessing having her on the team for 9 and half years. She's been with us through it all, and has always been such an incredible support. I don't think she'll realise how much. 

When we first started we were just on the top two floors of the building. One of the treatment rooms was our little reception, and what is now the little stock room behind it was once our tiny staff room! Gemma told me she remembers the very early days sitting out the back there with my mother and I and we'd chat away with homemade lemon drizzle cake and tea in our break. Those years have gone so fast, it's scary. It's amazing to think how much has happened or changed. 

We've been through so much together and we've seen Gemma through her marriage to Wayne, and the birth of her two beautiful sons, Jude and Phoenix. Gemma is now going on to start a new career closer to where she lives. We will all of course miss her very much, but we are so happy for her. 

Thanks Gem, for everything! Your time, dedication, support, plus care and attention to your clients and work. We wish you well and can't wait to hear all about your new journey.

Love & best wishes,

Clare x
CEO, The Reef

